DIY Backdrops for Food Photography II
**********DIY Backdrops for Food Photography********** I'm in the man cave today and I'm going to be making some custom backdrops for when I take pictures you know to make it look a little bit more fancy a little a bit more snazzy I got the idea to got the inspiration from Jimmy at the bite shot and I'm gonna also put a little link on here to see how she does her the thing I'm just gonna take some ideas and make my own okay so the idea is a compound like these stuff that you put on your wall its matte put that all along with a piece of plywood and then apply some different paints and textures I'm doing smaller ones because I take my pictures are usually like after dinner and I put a light on it and I'll put it right on my dinner table so I usually kind of do the overhead shots or I might do a side shot but I don't need a big giant photography like a backdrop board. So I'm making like mini versions of it today it's a two day proce...